Frequently Asked Questions

Revegetation Program
Who can do the revegetation program?
Our program is suitable for primary and secondary schools in Victoria. Although schools are our main focus, we also offer our program to ‘Friends of’ groups, Scouts groups and other interested community groups.
Where does your program run?
We run our revegetation program throughout Victoria.
How many students can take part in the Sprout and Bloom program?
As many students as you wish. We limit numbers to 25 students during planting site visits, for safety reasons. We are happy to work with different classes and/or grades for each planting site visit.
You may also wish to have a whole “school planting day” with students, teachers and parents getting involved.
If you would like to add an additional class (max. 25 students) to your Sprout or Bloom program, please contact us. The cost for each additional class is $840.00 (incl. GST), within metropolitan Melbourne.
How long does the program run for?
Our revegetation program is designed to run for 6-12 months. Please be aware that it can take a number of years until your planting site is fully revegetated.
What will my students learn when they take part in the program?
Your students will get hands-on experience of the revegetation process, from seed collection to post-revegetation monitoring, with a number of planting site visits to carry out these activities. Students will be able to grow, care for and plant their own seedlings and monitor the success of their plantings. The program aims to encourage students to value our natural environment and Aboriginal cultural heritage.
How does this program relate to the Victorian Schools Curriculum?
Our online portal contains learning resources with detailed lesson plans and teacher outcomes. Our leaning resources link with the Victorian curriculum educational outcomes related to:
- the importance of healthy and sustainable ecological systems
- the causes of land degradation and appropriate management strategies
- creative interventions that promote connections to community and natural environments actions needed to ensure the future sustainability of ecological systems.
Can the program be customised?
Yes, we can customise our revegetation program to meet the specific needs and interests of your school. Please get in touch with us to discuss your requirements.
How much does it cost?
Please see our Revegetation program page for details on each of you program options.
If you would like to add an additional class (max. 25 students) to your Sprout or Bloom program, please contact us. The cost for each additional class is $840.00 (incl. GST), within metropolitan Melbourne.
Our Fundraising page also includes some common costs for a revegetation project.
How can I fund my program?
Schools can fund their planting activities through school fundraising – please see our fundraising page for more details. We find that local suppliers are often willing to donate equipment and materials as well.
We can also help you if you would like to apply for grant funding for your program – please get in touch.
When should I start my program?
We recommend that you start your revegetation program in Term 1. This allows for seed and cutting collection in Summer and then a late Winter planting in Term 3. Monitoring then occurs in Spring after planting. This timing means that you don’t need to look after your school’s propagated seedling over the Summer holidays, which can be a challenge! That said, an earlier start can allow more time for preparing your planting site (e.g. weed control) and time for fundraising.
Where should I locate my planting site?
Ideally, your planting site will be located either on your school grounds, or within walking distance of your school. Planting sites that are located on nearby public land will require landowner and land manager approval.
Do I require a permit to collect native plant seeds and cuttings?
Please see here for the rules around collecting native seeds and cuttings.
What about weed management?
Any chemical weed control is usually carried out by the land manager prior to planting. You can also contact a local weed contractor if needed.
What is “citizen science”?
“Citizen science” is where the community get to participate in scientific research. Our revegetation program includes online information and activities to help you monitor before and after planting. We can also help you run a monitoring session as part of our Sprout and Bloom packages. Monitoring will let you see what’s working at your planting site and help you manage your planting site into the future.
Cultural Heritage Session
Who can take part in your sessions?
Our cultural heritage sessions are open to school groups (primary and secondary).
How many students can take part in the session?
We limit numbers to 25 students during each session, for safety reasons. However, we are happy to run multiple sessions with different classes and/or grades in a single visit.
What is included?
A Traditional Owner will teach students about different aspects of Aboriginal culture through storytelling and a range of fun, interactive activities. Students will gain an understanding of how Aboriginal people lived from and looked after Country for many thousands of years. Sessions start at $300 (incl. GST) for a one-hour session. This does not include refreshments.
Can your sessions be customised?
Yes, we can customise all our sessions to meet the specific needs and interests of your school or group. Please let us know your requirements when booking.
Where are your sessions held?
We run sessions across metropolitan Melbourne and we will come to you. Locations outside of metropolitan Melbourne may incur an additional travel charge.
How long do the sessions last?
Sessions typically last about one hour, depending on the needs of your group.
How can I book a session?
To book a session, please contact us with your preferred date and time. We recommend booking at least two weeks in advance to ensure availability.
Wildlife Rope Bridge Session
Who can take part in your sessions?
Our sessions are open to school groups (primary and secondary), as well as local community groups such as ‘Friends of’ groups, Scouts and environmental groups.
Are your sessions suitable for children?
Absolutely! We find that children aged 8+ get the most out of our sessions.
How many people can take part in the session?
We limit numbers to 25 people during each session, for safety reasons. However, we are happy to run multiple sessions in a single visit.
What is included?
We will show you how to build a wildlife rope bridge, while teaching you about our amazing native wildlife. Sessions start at $450 (incl. GST) for a two-hour session. This does not include rope and other supplies or refreshments.
Can your sessions be customised?
Yes, we can customise all our sessions to meet the specific needs and interests of your school or group. Please let us know your requirements when booking.
How long do the sessions last?
Sessions typically last about two hours, depending on the needs of your group.
Where are your sessions held?
We run sessions across metropolitan Melbourne and we will come to you. Locations outside of metropolitan Melbourne may incur an additional travel charge.
What size space do I need?
Our rope bridges can be up to 15metres long, so a school gym, library or community space is suitable. We can also run sessions outside when the weather is fine.
What happens to the bridges after they are built?
You are welcome to keep the bridges that you have built and install them in a suitable area for wildlife. Otherwise, we will install them in bushland areas following a natural disaster such as a bushfire or severe storm.
How can I book a session?
To book a session, please contact us with your preferred date and time. We recommend booking at least two weeks in advance to ensure availability.
Yedabila Habitat Pod Session
Who can take part in your sessions?
Our sessions are open to school groups (primary and secondary), as well as local community groups such as ‘Friends of’ groups, Scouts and environmental groups.
Are your sessions suitable for children?
Absolutely! We find that children aged 8+ get the most out of our sessions.
How many people can take part in the session?
We limit numbers to 25 people during each session, for safety reasons. However, we are happy to run multiple sessions in a single visit.
What is included in the sessions?
We show you how to construct our unique, environmentally sustainable Yedabila habitat pods using traditional Indigenous weaving techniques, while teaching you about our amazing wildlife and celebrating Aboriginal culture and heritage. Sessions start at $450 (incl. GST) for a two hour session. This includes all materials and other supplies but does not include refreshments.
How long do the sessions last?
Sessions typically last between 1 to 2 hours, depending on the needs of the group.
Can the session be customised?
Yes, we can customise all our sessions to meet the specific needs and interests of your school or group. Please let us know your requirements when booking.
Where are the sessions held?
We run sessions across metropolitan Melbourne and we will come to you. Locations outside of metropolitan Melbourne may incur an additional travel charge.
What size space do I need?
A classroom, school gym, library or community space is suitable. We can also run sessions outside when the weather is fine.
What happens to the pods after they are built?
You are welcome to keep the pods that you have built and install them in a suitable area for wildlife. Otherwise, we will install them in bushland areas following a natural disaster (e.g. fire, storms).
How can I book a session?
To book a session, please contact us with your preferred date and time. We recommend booking at least two weeks in advance to ensure availability.
Fundraising and Donations
What is the Fundraising Hub?
The Fundraising Hub is designed to help your school community raise funds for your revegetation project. It allows people to make a direct financial contribution to your project.
Can my school decide how our donations are used?
Absolutely! You can choose to direct your donation towards specific aspects of your Habitat Warriors revegetation program that need funding.
How can I make a donation?
You can make a donation directly through the Fundraising Hub by clicking on your school’s logo and following the instructions to complete your donation.
What payment methods are accepted?
Donations can be made via credit/debit cards.
Is my donation secure?
Yes, all donations are processed through secure payment gateways to ensure your information is protected. We will keep track of all you donations.
Will I receive a receipt for my donation?
Yes, all donors will receive a receipt via email for their records. This receipt can also be used for tax purposes if applicable.
We’ve reached our funding target – what next?
Congratulations! Once you have reached your target, please contact us and we will release the money that you raised to your project organiser/school.
We didn’t reach our funding target – what next?
If you are unable to meet your fundraising target, please contact us and we will release the money that you raised to your project organiser/school.
You are welcome to keep your fundraising campaign open to continue raising funds for as long as you like. Alternatively, we can work with your school to develop a personalised Habitat Warriors program that meets your budget.